Preventing Frozen Pipes

by plong

Category: Uncategorized


Last Thanksgiving, my family all went out to Los Angeles to visit my brother and his family. While we were there, my husband and I took our son to Universal Studios. What started out as a fun family day turned into a disaster when we got a call from our neighbors saying that they noticed a pipe had burst in our irrigation and was pouring water into our basement. Luckily, we have family close by who were able to go into the house and shut off the water and prevent much damage, but it definitely put a damper on our vacation.

The risk of a frozen pipe in winter is not in the freezing, but in the thawing. As water freezes, it expands and may damage the pipe. As the temperature rises above 32 degrees the water thaws, and the leak begins. If you have not turned off the water, the leak turns to a gush and can cause serious damage to your home.

If you leave your home for any length of time, even for a short vacation, please turn off the water or set the thermostat at no less than 60 degrees. Drain the outside pipes too!

For more information, Insure Info Blog has posted a new item, ‘Preventing frozen pipes: tips from the experts’


You may view the latest post at

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